Tuesday, 14 July 2020

2.4 Not a Competition

Calvin and Naomi more or less fall back into their normal routine after their argument with Naomi's mother. The only difference is that Calvin finally moves in properly. 

Hey, what're you so grumpy about?

Huh. I forgot about him. There was an elderly sim, I forget who, that passed away near the Silverly house who randomly haunts the lot. 

Unfortunately, Calvin has lost his job at the theatre. Officially, it's because they have too many stagehands already and they want to "streamline" the crew. 

Calvin knows that, really, it's a combination of his lackluster guitar skills and bad attitude around his colleagues now that he not only refuses to party with them, but snaps at them for "tempting" him with fun. While it's too little, too late, he fills his now abundant free time with guitar practice. 

Naomi watches him sometimes, smiling faintly. 

"My mother played beautiful songs on the guitar," she recalls wistfully. 

The mention of Naomi's mother makes Calvin frown. He stops playing. 

"I bet she was a better musician than me, too." 

"Calvin, it's not a competition!" Naomi reminds him tensely, "She's not even the same kind of musician as you are." 

"As I was," he sighs. 

"Don't remind me!" Naomi has been stressed about their income shrinking again. 

"I know, I know, I need to find a new job!" he snaps at her. 

Naomi sighs, "Maybe we should talk about this later."

"Fine with me." 

Naomi scratches her head. Calvin gets mad when they do talk about finding work and mad when they don't. Why is this so difficult? 

Calvin often wonders the same. Right now, it's for something comparatively minor. 

"Yes Sadie, I am cleaning my dishes here. No, Naomi doesn't do it all for me," he lies. Calvin isn't the cleanest sim out there, but he doesn't need to be reminded of it all the time. 

He manages to change the subject to the upcoming summer festival. 

"A pool party? Man, that sounds nice..." how long has it been since he's been to a party? 

Sadie makes sure to remind him he isn't invited. 

"Oh, lay off me about finding a job! I have enough reminders!" 

"Jeez, I was just asking. Maybe I should call when you're in a better mood...so never," Sadie replies, practically smirking through the phone. 

Pft, the nerve. 


Though he isn't invited to the pool party, Calvin is invited to some of his former classmates' graduation. Naomi comes along, only to go into labor as soon as the ceremony is finished. 

Two of their former classmates watch on. The girl with the parasol isn't showing yet, but she's pregnant too. Maybe she's watching for pointers?


Despite Naomi's worries, her labor only takes a few hours and is without complications. They name their son Evan. 

"I'm going to start job hunting once we're settled in with Evan," Calvin promises when they've arrived home. Maybe waiting in the hospital has lead to an epiphany? 

Naomi is exhausted from giving birth. She can only manage a thin smile. 

"Whatever you think is best. I'm going to put him in his crib and take a nap."

Seeing how tired she is, Calvin decides to put Evan to bed himself. 

"I'll try my best for you," he promises his son. Evan can only gurgle in response. 


AN: And so the only child for generation 3 has been born! For the life of me, I cannot remember Evan's traits other than genius. It's been a really long time since I played this save. I think he either has nurturing or family oriented, but I'll have to check again. 

Thanks for reading! 

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